Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe
Recent Paintings
Space, 2023
Surge, 2021
Deliberate 2019
Malatesta, 2018
Space, Surface and Depth (Cello), 2018 and (t)here, 2018
Landscape in the Air 2017
Butterfly 2016-17
North 2016
Five Times During the Day 2015
paintings 2010s
More 2010
Paintings 2000s
paintings late 2000s
Emanuel Shinwell Goes To University 2009
Early 2000s (Ten Group)
Paintings 1990s
paintings late 1990s
Ghost 1998 + Order, Uncertainty, Movement, Immediacy 1997
Lightness + Space in the Forest
paintings mid 1990s
Cyrus' Raygun 1995
Eisenstein Paintings early 1990s
Outside, Outside Again 1990
Foreign Body 1991
Pink Desert 1991
paintings early 1990s
Paintings 1980s
paintings late 1980s
Blasphemy 1989
Baltic Group
Some Difference 1986
Three Reliefs: Evasion, Distraction, Continuous, 1985-88
The Village Group mid 1980s
Unstretched Paintings
Gustav Adolphus & Wallenstein 1983-4
3 Blue Paintings from the early 1980s
Triumph + More Middle Class Pleasure
Masurian Lakes 1981
paintings early 1980s
Paintings 1960s-1970s
Paintings 1970s
Student Work 1961-1970
Works on Paper
works on paper 2020s
works on paper 2010s
Pink Group
works on paper 2000s
works on paper 1990s
Live from Lincoln Center Poster
works on paper 1980s
works on paper 1970s
Frank Gehry Screen 1990
North South Screen 1984
2022 David Richard Gallery, NY
2016- Louis Stern Fine Arts
2015- Five Times During the Day, Baldessari Studio, :A
2013-Alexander Gray Associates, NY
2012-Frieze, NY
2011-Alexander Gray Associates, NY
2010-Anne Mosseri-Marlio Galerie, Zurich
2006-Ulrich Museum, Wichita
2006-Gray Kapernekas Gallery, NY
1989-Tyler Gallery, Philadelphia
1989-Anne Plumb Gallery, NY
1989-Genovese Gallery, Boston
1988-Grace Borgenicht Gallery, NY
1988-The Getty Center, Santa Monica
1984-John Weber Gallery, NY
1980-John Weber Gallery, NY
Group Shows
Awkward x 2
Lost Works
Works in Progress
Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe
Space, Surface and Depth (Cello)
, 2018, Oil on Linen, 41" x 40.5"